Saturday, February 26, 2011

Weird Day....

Jeff had to work today so I figured I would take the kids to the park to play & ride bikes. We were up & out by 9am!! However, it was just a strange morning. Both of the kids were kinda cranky & whiney. We came home for lunch & Lance went down for his nap. After nap we tried to play at the playground, but again they just weren't feeling it. They really wanted to play with the others kids. Finally they came out & Lilly invited them over (totally on her own!!) & they played for about an hour with them. They seemed to perk them up!!

This was at the park....look at them go!!

Check out that hair!! LOL!!

I have no idea...just my crazy little Lilly!!

When Jeff got home he decided we should go to the Mardi Gras parade.  We ended up having a really good time. The kids got beads, toys & moon pies!! They floats were AMAZING!

They just flung beads & toys off these floats. It was CRAZY!! People were screaming & hollering. Lance got into it, but Lilly just stood there!! We had fun & even stopped for ice cream on the way home. That's when things got weird again....I spot something on Lilly's back. It looked like little zits/blisters, but there were several of them. She had two of the same things on the back of her leg this morning & I thought it was just a bug bite. However, now with them in a different spot I got worried.

Actually I got really worried. I don't know why but it made me nervous. I thought chicken pox( although shes been vaccinated), spider bite...I didn't know. So finally decided to take her to the ER to have it looked at, which is a little over the top for me but I just wasn't sure.

Turns out they are fire ant bites. She was rolling in the grass yesterday, I should have known, but it didn't dawn on me. The Dr. said unless they get worse just treat them with cream & they should be fine.


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