Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another beautfiul day!!

It was another nice day today so of course where were we??? Outside!! We actually went for a swim too...busy little bugs. They were worn out though & will hopefully sleep well tonight.

Tumbling was last night. It went VERY well. Lilly was up first & walk out in the gym with her class. They started running the mat & I don't think she knew what to do. Her coach had stepped away so she was a little lost & intimidated. I went out there & talked to her & her coach came over & asked her to be her helper. Well, that did it. She went right up there beside her & did the stretches with her. The rest is history. She did the beam, vault & bars last night. She did great & is excited to go back next week!!

Lance's class started about 30 mins. after Lilly's. He was SOO excited & kept asking if it was time for his class yet. So when time came he was all about it. He went right in & had no problems. He listened pretty well (although doesn't understand...FREEZE)! However, I was proud at well he participated & engaged with the other students.

All in all I think this is the best fit for them!! I didn't take pics because it was the first night, but I will get some soon!!

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