Thursday, February 24, 2011

Storytime & a playdate!

This morning we went to storytime at the library. They sang, read a couple books & made a handy Mardi Gras fan. Then we picked out some new books & headed to Chick-fil-a for lunch!! (Just a side note, Lilly was on a mission to get books she could read. Once I showed her what to look for she went crazy. I think I finally stopped her at 6).

After lunch & a nap for Lance we headed out for a playdate w/Jackson & Savannah. We actually met them when we came down in July, but have just recently spent some time getting to know them. Jackson had asked yesterdy if they could play. Jackson just turned 5, but Savannah is older (probably 12 or 13). However, they all play well together. They were both so excited all day. It rained this morning so they were worried they wouldn't be able to play with them, but it worked out fine. The funny thing is neither of them can say comes out Jackston! It started off a little rocky (both my kids were cranky) but once they could all agree on something to play it went much better.

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