Thursday, February 3, 2011


The kids & I haven't had hair cuts since before we moved. Needless to say we are all in need. So tonight when I got Lance out of the bath I got a wild trim Lance's. It was so long on his neck & covering his has been driving me crazy. Yes, it's adorable, but I like it to have a little
I did a little trimming. I just did his neck & around his ear & the bottom.

Not too bad for a moving target?? Don't worry...the curls are still's just brushed.

Now, don't worry...I am not brave enough to tackle this hair....

Look how lonng it is!!

Last night & today the kids watched Monster's Inc. Today when they were watching it Lilly drew this....

She explained that it was a "Monster Machine", meaning it brings the doors to the monsters. (If you've seen the movie you'll understand). She also named the girl, Jewel. She explained to me how it worked, this moves here & so on & so on. Add that to the fact that she repeatedly tells me "I am a very good artist" & you see why I think she is the smartest little girl ever!!

Jeff didn't have to work late tonight so he actually got to spend some time with the kids. They were VERY happy to see him. At one point he had one kid on each leg & they were hanging on for dear life....they sure love their Daddy!!!

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