Saturday, February 12, 2011

Lilly can read..........

So last night Lilly couldn't sleep. I let her get up & look at the blog (her favorite past time). Then we looked at some books. She wants to read so badly. We went to the library this week & she picked a book "Just Like Me".  It has few words on a page & repeats "Just Like Me". I told her to get that one & we would work on it. I read it to her once the day before so she knew some of it. We started with the title & continued on. She did so good. She really can sound words out. I was amazed. She read the whole book with minimal help from me. She was so proud of herself!!! We read it again this morning with me & again this afternoon for Jeff & my parents. She is doing some of it from memory, but I am making her point to each word & read the word she sees (not what she thinks it says). She takes her time & corrects herself when she says the wrong word. CAN YOU BELIEVE I ALMOST HAVE A READER??????? 

So proud of my girl!!!

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