Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chatty Boy!!

Lance talks so much. It's hard to believe I was ever worried that he would talk. He is also very clear & uses long sentences. He will tell stories that have multiple steps. The funny thing is he has reached that point where he is trying to use lots of new words & doesn't always know how to use them. Sometimes he does fine, but sometimes it just doesn't make sense. These are a few tidbits from today.

"Shore" = sure....he does use this one correctly. Me, "Lance do you want a snack?" Lance, "Shore!"

Tonight while coloring he got upset because Lilly was coloring in his book. This some how lead to something along the lines of  "Then we have choices right mommy?"  I said, "Yes, buddy you have a choice which book you color out of". He continued rambling....choice came out two or three more times & then he said, "that's true". He went on for several minutes saying choice & true, none of it really made sense but he sure thought he was big stuff!!!! CRACKED ME UP!

Today we were sitting on the couch watching a cartoon & a moose came on. Lance says, "I love mooses". I said, "You do?" He said, "When I get bigger, I'm gonna ride a moose". I said, "You are?" He said, "You gonna come with me Mom?"  This is a regular conversation: when I get bigger I"m gonna (play football, basketball, drive a tractor, big truck, ride a camel, elephant etc.) We must have it at least 3 times a day. In fact on the way to get Lillly today he told me he was gonna play basketball. I said, "Not football". Too which he replied, "When I get done with basketball, then I'll play football"!!

Another favorite from both of them right now is, "You're not the mother (or parent)". They have picked this up from me. I will often have to remind Lilly that she isn't Lance's mother (she is going to be a great momma one day.......a LONG time from now).

This evening they got antsy & were having trouble listening. I had told them they could watch a movie before bed, but told them if they couldn't play nicely until then they wouldn't get one. Lilly was doing pretty good, but Lance couldn't do what I had asked for some reason. Lilly says to me, "Mom, can I have a little talk with Lance?" I was washing dishes thank goodness so my back was to her cause I about lost it. I said, "What?" She said, "Can I have a little talk with Lance for a minute?" I told her yes so she proceeded to ask him to come here then talked with him about how if he didn't do what I asked that they wouldn't get to watch a movie. SO FUNNY!!

They are entertaining that's for sure!!!

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