Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Busy Week...

It's been a somewhat busy week. Yesterday I decided I wanted to go ahead & take Lance to the doctor because his cough was sounding bad. Of course it was just a cold. I can't win...I don't take Lilly & she ends up w/bronchitis...take him & he is fine...GEEZ. The good news is that I went to two different docs & like the second one better. Lance's 3 year check up will be next month. I think I will try one more before I make my decision.

Tomorrow the kids have their dental visit. This is Lance's first visit (I know...bad mom). Lilly has been once, but didn't get her teeth cleaned because she freaked. She is prepared for tomorrow & says she is going to be a big girl!! Fingers crossed!!!

Then tomorrow afternoon I am taking Lilly to observe/try a dance class. She really would prefer to do tumbling, but it's so expensive. We are trying to keep extras in check in order to get a house ASAP. So I found this class at the recreation center. It is one hour a week & they cover tap, ballet & jazz for $25!!!! Isn't that AWESOME!! A friend of hers from school goes so I hope that helps!!! I told her she doesn't have to participate tomorrow unless she wants, but I REALLY hope she will!!

I am looking into karate for Lance, but haven't gotten a hold of the guy yet. I am hoping that once he turns 3 he can participate in it!!

I failed to mention that we are a one vehicle family this week. The truck wouldn't start & by the time Jeff gets home of an evening it's dark & he is tried. So we are waiting until the weekend. Fingers crossed it's nothing big. Thankfully....Mom/Dad have come to the rescue (again). Mom chauffered us around Mon/Tue. I had a car today, but they are lending me one tomorrow since Dad is off.

I also failed to post that a couple of nights ago Lance started fussing (while sleeping). Jeff went up there & found him standing next to his bed with his pants around his ankles!!! He carried him to the bathroom & thankfully made it in time. I guess he was sleeping walking. I don't know, but it was pretty funny!!!

I have no new pics because my camera card is full & I haven't taken the time to clean it off.....I will do that ASAP...I promise!!

Happy Wednesday!!!!

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