Sunday, February 6, 2011

Date Night & Super Bowl Sunday

Friday night we got to skype w/most of my side of the family!! It was my Uncle Steve's 60th bday & my Aunt Kathy through him a surprise party!! They were at Beef O Brady's so the connections wasn't great, but it was still so good to see them all!!!

Well, thanks to my wonderful mom Jeff & I celebrated his birthday & Valentine's day a week early. She kept the kids from Saturday afternoon until about 4 o'clock this afternoon. 24+ hours w/out kids....WOW what a nice break!! We had a great time & I think Jeff got some much needed rest (he worked 60+ hours this week, including Saturday morning). THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM (Dad was at work, but thanks to you too!)

When she brought them home this evening they of course were happy to see us, but instantly tackled Jeff. It cracks me up how much they love to just climb & hang on him!! He is good about letting them go at him, but usually has to make them stop becaue they would do it all day!

Being Super Bowl Sunday Jeff wanted some wings. So we decided to order pizza & wings from Dominos. Let me just say that we haven't ordered pizza out since we moved here & $30 later I remember why. That was 2 large pizzas & 1 order of wings. THAT'S CRAZY!!

Anyway, the kids wanted to sit on the floor w/Jeff & "watch the game".


I will say that we are not parents that listens to kids music in the car so our kids are pretty well versed in music, this includes the Black Eyed Peas.

So of course we had to dance at half-time. I love this pic. you can see Lance singing (Woo Hoo). They were singing along...cracked me up!

Then they had to play with their new nerf guns. Lance can't quite do his on his own so Daddy was helping him (I am not sure who had more fun). Lilly was a pretty good shot!

Here's the target! One time Lilly got one right in the middle of the diamond!

Hope you all had a great weekend!!

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