Thursday, February 17, 2011


They both did GREAT!! Lilly went first & sat up there like a big girl with no problems. I was so proud of her. Lance went next. He did good too. He got nervous & was shaking a little. I held his hand & he calmed right down. He still has that cough so I think that made it hard for him to hold his mouth open very long. The dentist said their teeth looked GREAT!!! So happy!!

I took them to Mc D's for a treat for doing so well. (I didn't even bribe was a surprise)! It is one that has an outdoor playland. Since was SO NICE today I wanted to treat them. When we got there I thought Lilly was going to explode. She has wanted to go for a long time!! She went on about what a good day it was!! Things changed soon as we got outside to sit down & eat Lance fell & busted his lip. He calmed down pretty quick, but wasn't able to eat right away. They played for awhile & got HOT!! We headed to Mammaw/Pappaw's to work on some laudry (which Mom already had done :) and Lilly lost her balloon the dentist gave her :( she was so upset. I felt terrible for her.

Dance was a no go. She was tired, but still showed no interest. She just really wants to do tumbling. Turns out there is $50 in outfits, plus a $40 fee for the recital. So by the time you add that up it is only about $30 less than tumbling. Plus, the karate is only for bigger on the way home I stopped at the tumbling place (I had checked into several last week) & signed them up for a free class on Monday. As long as that goes well I am going to sign them both up. They can both go on the same day/time so that will be nice. I think they will both like it!!

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