Sunday, February 6, 2011

A mom has to brag....

So I am sure you all know how smart Lilly is, but I just have to give you proof.

Here she had to circle the beginning sound of the word & then wrote the ending sound beside it. She told me they did this as a class, but still...pretty impressive. I asked what the "P" & "N" were up by the top & she said, "I was showing Isreal (a boy in her class) how to make them" What a good helper!!

Here she connected the dots & then colored it. Notice the "Very Nice" written by her teacher!!

And some art work too!!

Her sponge painted winter wonderland!

Her precious??

I can't believe how big she is. She will be reading before I know it. I love that she loves school & wants to learn. I hope she continues to enjoy it!!

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