Thursday, February 17, 2011

"My Lilly"

I almost forgot the conversation Lance had at the dentist office w/a little boy. The little boy was talking to him about something & Lance just looks at him and says, "Anyways, my 4-wheeler is broke & my Pappaw has to fix it". Totally random & precious!! Then the little boy asked his name he said, "Lance (then points to Lilly) & this is my Lilly". HOW SWEET IS THAT??? Such a gentlemen to introduce "his Lilly"!!!

I can't believe how big he is. He sounds like such a big boy when he talks now. He tells stories (often untrue....wonder where he gets that??) that are multi-step & answers questions when he is asked (by people he isn't familiar with). Just hard to believe that in 4 weeks he will be 3......

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