Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A (cold) day at the beach~

I had a dentist appt. this morning, which went well WHOHOO!! Then the kids, mom & I grabbed lunch (chik-fil-a of course) & headed down to Gulf Shores/Orange Beach. The Hanaver/Carver clan are heading down & May & needed an idea of what there was to do.....sounds like a good reason to make a drive doesn't it?? It was very sunny today, but the air was cool though. Of course the kids were excited to see the ocean & beach....they were itching to get in the sand!!! No dice though....we just had to all look & dream of a few months from now!!! Here's a few photos!!

It was beautiful....just a little chilly!!!

After dinner we were playing dominoes & decided to make a town out of them. There was a school, house, bank, post office, gas station & library & side walks to each. I am sure you can see that all here.

What a great day!!!

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