Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hot Wheels!!

Not the little cars, but the skating rink!! The local skating rink does a preschool playtime on Tuesday mornings. It is $5 per child, but I had a 2 for 1 coupon so I thought we'd give it a shot. For $5 they both got to jump in three different bounce houses, ride lots of different bikes & even attempt skating for the first time!! They had a blast & it was totally worth it. Of course Lance spent 90% of his time (no exaggeration) riding the different vehicles. You would have thought he never got to ride a bike!! They both tried everything & I was proud of them both for trying to skate. I didn't realize how loose Lilly's skates were to start so if we go back I will make sure to have them tighten before she takes off. Lance did really well though because his were already tight....so he was basically walking!!
This is a great action shot. You can tell she is trying not to fall!!
I got them tighten & she did better!

Lance's were much tighter so he could basically walk!

one of the vehicles.....

yet another one...

and another one...

Lilly on the big wheel!

the roller coaster....WEEEEEE

Her legs are so long she could barely get them up there!!


Cracks me up....Lance's head is between her legs....they are so funny!!

Lance on yet another vehicle. This was his favorite I think. They had
a boy big wheel, but it would work right so he was forced to drive
the pink/purple one. However, he didn't mind!!

We stayed the full hour & a half and then headed to IHOP for free pancakes!! YUMMY!! What a fun morning!!

*Just want to note that Lance had his pancakes with strawberry & blueberry syrup. Plus he tried Sushi Sunday night. Much like his Daddy, he is a good eater & will try anything at least once. Lilly & I are a little more reserved when it comes to food!

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