Sunday, March 27, 2011

A sneak peek!!

So we actually hung a few things tonight & did a little decorating.....I am so excited. Here's a pic of my mantel....I am sure I will change it 100 times.....but I am happy with it for now!!!

We actually got to chill a little today. I slept in until 9:30!! WHOHHOO!!! Then Jeff took a nap!! We had to get the rest of the stuff from the trailer. Got that done, now it just has to be moved. I have a place to call tomorrow & then hopefully we can move it this week. That only leaves what's left in the storage can be organized & put in one...there will be a few things that still need to come here & some to get rid of, but we are making progress!!
I got rid of 8 boxes (actually my dad took them...thank you!!) this week. I had a HUGE yard sale before we moved, yet after living in the trailer for 4 1/2 months I have found we still have WAY too much. I have gone through everyones clothes & cleaned out. Went through kids toys & cleaned out. Cleaned out kitchen stuff & bathroom stuff. So now we (by we I mean Jeff) just have a few boxes to go through & find a home for & the rest is basically hanging pictures, curtains & decorating. I AM SO EXCITED!!! I feel really good about our decision. There are some down sides to it, but all in all I really believe we made the right choice.

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