Thursday, March 10, 2011

~Sweet Boy

Lance was a little monster today (more than usual). He didn't have a good nap yesterday or today & was up a little late last night. This made today an especially emotional day for him. Keep in mind a good day with him still includes at least two meltdowns. So by the end of the night I was spent. The kids stayed with my mom last night & didn't get to see Jeff. Then Jeff had to work late tonight so they didn't get to see him before bed. Lance got up to go potty about 9:30 & I sent Jeff in there so he could see him. I hear, "Hi buddy I missed you".  Then in the sweetest sleepy boy voice I hear, "I missed you too Daddy". Talk about melting a Momma's heart. All my frustration with him from the day was gone instantly. Then I can hear the "I love you's & good nights" Jeff comes down & tells me it doesn't get better than that. Lance put his arms around his neck & wrap his legs around him & gave him a big bear hug (as some of you know....Lance gives THE BEST hugs)!! He keeps me on my toes & continues to challenge me more than I ever thought possible, but I do believe he's worth it.

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