Thursday, March 17, 2011

Grandmas Trisha visits!!!

Grandma flew in on Monday morning & flew out this afternoon. We spent our time doing our normal stuff, but sharing it with her. The kids LOVED it!! They were so excited to see her. Monday we took her to tumbling & then Lilly had her first soccer practice (which was an epic fail....that will have to be a separate post). Tuesday we went skating, too the park & bday shopping for Lance. Then, we celebrated Lance's bday yesterday & that was great!!
Grandma let Lance pick out his own gift this year!! He picked a guitar
& a little laptop computer. Here he is rocking out!!

Of course...Miss Lilly got to get something too. She picked out
a purse, wallet, fingernail polish, lip gloss & body glitter. The
funny thing is that this is EXACTLY what she got her friend
for her bday party on funny!!

It was so good to see her. THANK YOU SO MUCH GRANDMA!!! We are all so happy you came & I know Lance was happy you were happy to be here for his bday!!

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