Saturday, March 26, 2011

First Soccer Game!!!

Well, today was Lilly's first soccer game. SHE DID AMAZING!!!! She started & was doing great. Going after the ball & really getting in there. Then........she fell....and someone fell on her. It was a pretty hard fall. She kinda fell on her side & her cheek hit the ground. She came running to us & cried pretty hard for several minutes. However, she went & sit on the sidelines with her coach & had a fruit-roll up. Then went back in the game. She got the ball & was heading down the field & no one was around.....she missed the goal. After that she got upset & walked off the field crying. She said she was tired, but I am not sure what happened. I think she may have gotten scared or embarrassed. Regardless, she never went back in. We are still very proud of her. I think she will continue to do well. She didn't sleep well last night & her allergies are still bothering her. I took her to the dr on Thurs & got  her eye drops & singular, but she is still not feeling 100%
Warming up before the game!

Warming up!

Go Team Force!

Look how tall she is??? I think she is the tallest on her team.

This is her break after the fall.

This is when she missed the goal. She stopped the ball & was trying to
turn it, but she kicked too hard & it went out of bounds.

On another note....I have been an organizing fool!! I have cleaned out quite a bit. I went on a bit of a shopping trip yesterday & bought lots of goodies to organize what's left!! I will post pics soon.


Julie Wade said...

Love the pics. Laughing though, because Roger doesn't like how the blond haired boy is looking at her! He said "I don't like how that boy is eyeballing my Granddaughter!"

Courtney said...

LOL...that's funny. Tell him that he is pretty quiet so I don't think he will make a move anytime soon. Plus you know her....she will just look at him with that look she gives & scare him away!!!