Thursday, March 31, 2011

Healthy Boy

I took Lance to his 3 year check up today. I would first like to say that I have found our new pediatrition....I LOVE HER!! She was great!!

Lance is 37 lbs & 39 1/2 inches tall. That puts him in the 90th percentile for both. That means out of 100 kids his age his is bigger than 90 of them!!! HOLY COW>>>>>how did that happen?? I knew he was big but seriously....

He had to get two shots & was not happy about it. I was holding his hands & I told the nurse, "Make sure you hold his legs, he might kick". She said that she would hold them down. Well, the first one went in & he completely stiffened his entire body. She said, "Man, he's strong". All I could do was laugh...I tried to warn her!! His leg is pretty sore from the first one. I feel terrible for him.

She said he looked great & she couldn't find anything wrong with him!! I'll take that!! She did say she heard a heart murmur. This is the first time I have been told that. Lilly had one & we even had it check when she was two, but she said it's not an issue.

Then the kids & I went on a bit of a shopping trip. Lilly *needed* some sandals for school,(she can't wear her flip flops so it was an actual need). Anyway, I also picked her up a few summer dresses & outfits. Lance got a couple things too. Now for those of you who know me well you know I don't go shopping very often & when I do I don't usually buy  much. However, I am apparently getting pretty good at is at this is the 2nd week in a row that I have ventured out. I blame moving & the change of season. :) Luckily Jeff doesn't mind....although if I keep it up he just might!!!

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