Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Playdate fun!!

After an exhausting day yesterday (Lilly school, tumbling & soccer), we turned around & had a playdate this morning!! Lilly has been begging to have her a playdate with her friend Graycie from school. I asked once a few weeks ago & it didn't work with her family schedule. Then we had our own conflicts (Lance bday & moving). I finally told her if she would take her skating instead of over to play that we could do it this week. It worked out great. We picked her up & heading to skating, then headed to McD's for lunch & more playing. All in all it went GREAT!! Lilly was worn out from yesterday, but still did well. She got upset one time but I can't complain. I was worried how Lance would do but he did pretty well. Now I just need to find him some friends. Poor kiddo...he gets so lonely.

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