Monday, March 7, 2011


The kids stayed w/my parents Sat. night & most of yesterday (Thank you Mom & Dad!!) while Jeff & I went out to dinner & then did basically nothing yesterday. IT WAS GREAT!! Lilly didn't have school today so it was an extra day to chill. We went to the pool this morning & they swam for an hour & a half. Then after nap we headed out to find a new park. It was one of the castle like ones. I found it awhile back, but we hadn't checked it out yet. It was a BIG hit!! I didn't get many pics because they were too busy running & playing to stop!!!

They have the count on until Grandma Trisha comes & Lance's bday!!  Lilly counts it down everyday on the calendar....they are SO EXCITED!! Also, I think I have finally figured out what we are going to do for Lance's day. This has been a very stressful/difficult decision because he doesn't go to school so he doesn't have many friends to invite to a party. Also, Lilly got invited to a party the Sat (19th) in the morning & we just don't have the heart to tell her she can't I came across a flyer today & there is a model train show in town the weekend of his bday!! It is in conjunction with an arts & crafts show so we will just take the afternoon & do that. He will be happy! We went to the model train museum when we were in Chatanooga 2 years ago, but it was right after his first bday so I am sure he doesn't remember it. We promised him a train ride too so we will work that in probably while Grandma is here!!!

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