Saturday, August 6, 2011

What a week!!

I sure hope every week following a trip home isn't like this one!! Lilly was sick, then Lance. Jeff has felt bad on & off. I am still fighting nausea....GEEZ. We FINALLY had a productive day today. Lance had a fever yesterday & then puked this morning. I decided it was time to get up & clean, no more excuses. It took ALL DAY (& I didn't get bathrooms done). However, I got all rooms cleaned & clean sheets on all beds. Finally unpacked & have been doing laundry ALL DAY!! Tomorrow is Jeff's last day off....he goes back Monday :( it's been so nice having him home (especially this week). I'm not sure I'll survive 4 days w/out him!

Because this is why you check the blog & it's been a while......

He looks so sweet & innocent.....

There's the boy I know!!!

Goofy girl!!

Notice the book on the bed?? It's called "Too Purpley"....she read it to me tonight at bed!! It's very simple & repeats, but still...I can't believe she's reading!!

Here's to a better week!!!

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