Friday, August 19, 2011


I left Tues afternoon & flew to Austin, TX where I met up with two other people (one was my direct boss, the other was the TX project manager). We had dinner & headed to our hotel. I did pretty good on the flight. I made sure to snack & take me meds. I realized that part of my problem was my sinus & allergies so I was taking meds for that as well. Tues evening we did a little planning for Wed & then headed to bed. I did not sleep well at all. I think it was a combo of nerves & excited.

Up early Wed to head to the school. I basically spent the day observing. My boss did the morning session & the other project manager did the afternoon session.(my training basically consists of observing others train so I can see a variety of ways to present the product) I felt pretty good most of the day.

When we finish up Wed. we had to drive to Dallas, which is about a 3 & 1/2 hour drive. This part was pretty rough on me. The roads were pretty bumpy & I just wasn't feeling great. Once we got there & had some dinner I did feel better. However, I did have a breakdown that evening. I was exhausted & missed the kids & Jeff. Plus, I got a little worried about next week (I have to work again). Jeff & I talked & I got calmed down & was able to sleep a little better.

Thurs. morning we were up early again & headed to another school. This day was a little different because the teachers already use the product & this was a day 2 training to help them further their use of it in their classroom. Again I observed & was feeling pretty good.

When my boss booked my flights she booked me on a 5:10 flight in order to get me home at a decent time. This was going to require me to take a cab to the airport because the afternoon session went till 4. I had mentioned to her that my brother was going to try & at least meet me at the airport just so we could visit for a few. When I told her that she said if he wanted he could just pick me up. Then ended up saying I could leave after lunch since the afternoon session was basically a repeat of the morning.

So when I talked to Cam he said that would work great because he has a client in the area I was & would just make a visit there before picking me up!! He picked me up at the school around 12:30 & we got to spend the afternoon together!!! It was great!! We went to eat, then he took me to his apartment & showed me around to place he goes. He drove me through downtown so I could see the "Grassy Knoll" & the building that Lee Harvey Oswald was in when he shot Kennedy. We drove down the exact road...CRAZY. It was so cool!! The highlight though was that I finally got to meet Rugby!!! He is SOOOO sweet. When Cam let him out of his cage he was so excited!! He showed me how he could sit & wait for a treat. We had a GREAT time. It was awesome to spend time with him. Just wish we had longer!!! We even remembered to take some pics.!
Look at his little face!! So precious!!

You can tell I am worn out & dragging, but still a decent pic. of us!!!

All in all it was a great trip. It was exhausting, but I learned a lot & we all survived. Next week will be crazy too, but I will only be going to Mobile & Jeff is off till Wed. night so it should be a little easier. After that things should settle down & it should get MUCH easier!!

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