Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lance's first week of school!

Lance had a great first week of school!! He went in everyday & sat down like a big boy. His teacher had only good things to say about him. On the first day she told me he was "obedient & very mature". She uses a stoplight for their behavior. Lance stayed on green ALL WEEK!! He was very excited everyday to tell us that he stayed on green. He also go to get a treat from the treasure chest for his good behavior. I am so proud of what a big boy he is becoming!!
Ready for his first day!

This was Friday. I was trying to get his crayon with his name!

I hope he continues to behave. Although his teacher, Ms. Amy, LOVES him already. He has worked his magic and she tells us everyday how adorable he is. So my thought is when he starts showing his true colors she will be like the rest of us!! He is a smart one!!

Just a side note about Lance. He has turned into a puzzle boy. He does puzzles all the time. He can do a 25 piece puzzle by himself in very little time. He do numerous ones everyday. It is becoming somewhat of an obsession, although I can't complain because he actually sits still for more than 5 minutes. Isn't that strange? With anything else he looses interest pretty quickly but he will do puzzles for an hour or more. I do believe this reinforces how smart he really is.......

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