Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lance's story

*For full effect please read with extreme excitement, constant hand motion & barely taking a break to breathe.*

All my family & friends were on the roof. I had a ladder. We have capes & power on our backs. The baby jumped high, high, high up to the sky. We went like psh....psh...psh. I was freaking out. Then I catched her (the baby). All my friends & me turned our things (power) off and she (the baby) fell out of my hands.

This is the story he told me this morning. Only it is very abbrevated. I should have mentioned that you need to repeat each thing like 3 times. I was cracking up. At one point he was standing on the end of the couch showing me how they went up, up, up!! He just went on & on. I love his imagination, but boy it's gonna cause trouble in the future!!

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