Friday, August 19, 2011

Lilly school day 3 & Lance open house

Wednesday morning Jeff picked Lilly up from Moms on his way home from work to take her to school. She again wasn't thrilled, but was doing ok. Jeff said on the way she told him she had to use the bathroom. He stopped & she didn't have to go. Then she told him she didn't feel well & got upset. He was able to calm her down. He told her that it wasn't as hot today & maybe she would get to go outside. When she walked in she gave the principal a high 5 so she was doing a little better.

Lance got to go to his school & meet his teacher Wed. morning. Mom said that he told his teacher his name, but played shy. (She warned the teacher that she would probably never see him that way again!). Mom said he played for a long time & seemed to have a good time. When I talked to him he told me he liked his teacher & room. He said he played & that he would even get to paint!!!

As Mom talked to the teacher & she figured out he was Lilly's brother she said he looked familiar & that he looked just like her!! How stinkin' cute is he??

When Mom picked her up that afternoon she was just worn out but didn't cry. Mom took them to the pier to play for a bit.

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