Wednesday, August 10, 2011

This week.

This week has been better. We are making progress & preparing for the next few weeks, which will be CRAZY!! I got to meet Lilly's teacher tonight. Her name is Mrs. Pace. I think Lilly will really like her. I also found out that her friend from the apartment complex is in her class!!! We only knew of two kids that were going to her school for sure & kept praying one of them would end up in her class!! THANK GOODNESS! I think that will help a lot.

She gets to go Friday morning & see her class & meet her teacher. I hope it goes well!! She starts Monday. I leave Tues afternoon for training for my job & won't be back till Thurs evening. Jeff is on nights so mom will have the kids. Lilly is nervous about me being gone, but I'm sure she'll be fine. Lance doesn't start school till the 22nd so we have a break!!

It's gonna be a hectic, exciting few weeks!

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