Sunday, August 7, 2011

We're ready.....or are we??

Technically speaking once I get Lilly's rest towel out of the dryer we are ready for school. I have to take her supplies on Wed. night for a parents meeting. (It's so much there is no way the kids could carry it all). Regardless, although we have everything ready I'm not so sure Jeff & I are ready. It's hard to believe we she will be 6 in about 7 weeks. She is growing & changing so fast. I feel like we are losing some sort of power or control. She will be with someone else 35+ hours a week, the calendar dicates when we can do things. I know it's a part of life & I loved school so I am super excited for her. Just sad she is growing so fast!!!

*Just to note....she discovered today that Grace (i.e. all kids) don't have to wear uniforms & she was NOT happy. I'm sure she'll be fine once she gets there & see everyone else has on the same thing. Just funny that she realized not all kids have to!!

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