Sunday, August 14, 2011

Meet the teacher & Kangarooz

Friday morning Lilly got to go to her school & meet her teacher, Mrs. Pace. She was excited & seemed to like her room & teacher. Her friend, Natalie, came in & they played for a few minutes so that made her happy. We were able to walk from where she will get out of the car to her classroom so she could see where she has to go. There will be people everywhere helping, but I wanted her to see for herself. She was shy, but she did tell her teacher her name so that's good. She says she isn't nervous so hopefully tomorrow goes well!!

Jeff is off so I wanted to take the kids & do something fun since we haven't done much lately. We decided on Kangarooz. They jumped, bounced, played & wore themselves out!!

Can you tell he is worn out??

We have a busy week. I hope we all survive it. Wish us luck!

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