Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lilly's 2nd week of school

Lilly actually had a really good week. She still had moments where she started to cry or got a little nervous, but overall she did great. On Friday when she came out she told me she didn't even start to cry!! I think she is finally adjusting. I told her it was just a matter of learning the routine and getting comfortable with it.

Academically we couldn't be prouder of her. One day in her folder her teacher wrote, "One of the only ones that followed the directions". Then yesterday on her paper where she had to write her name several times it said, "WOW". Plus, in her folder yesterday her teacher wrote, "I frequently use her work as an example of how to follow directions"

We are so proud of her and I hope she continues to set a good example for other students. I really think that as she adjusts she is going to thrive so much. She has such a thirst for knowledge and is like a little sponge. She already learned the life cycle of a frog!!

We are at the library as I type this, but I had to include a photo because on top of being smart and amazing....she's BEAUTIFUL too!!

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