Friday, September 30, 2011

Fun Friday!!

Lance, Lilly & I are all feeling better. Jeff is still fighting it a bit, but not too bad. Lance went back to school today & was back to his normal rotten self! Lilly had a BIG day. She went skating with school this morning. She had her first bus ride to get there!!! I met them there & it was CRAZY!! 12 classes grades k-3....lots of kids!! They had a blast though. Afterward I ran home for a bit then went and had lunch with Lilly at school. She has been asking for awhile but between sickness and schedules I haven't been able to. We had a nice time!! This afternoon I took them to mom who will be keeping them for the night!!! Jeff & I had dinner and now I am in my jammos, in bed where I plan on staying as long as I can!!!!!!!! I even made sure my house was picked up so I wouldn't feel guilty!!

Have a good weekend everyone!!!

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