Saturday, October 1, 2011

Baby Inventory....

So we did lots of relaxing while the kids were gone, but we did manage to dig baby stuff out of storage!!! It was a fun trip down memory lane going through it all. We are in pretty good shape. However, there are a few things we will need. Once we find out what this little stinker is I can start doing some shopping!!!

The kids were excited to see the baby seat and changing table. I was afraid they would think it meant the baby was coming soon, but neither seemed to think that.

Jeff & I watched a movie last night then I fell right asleep and slept all night!! I woke up early, but went back to sleep. I don't think we got out of bed till 10:30!! IT WAS GREAT!!  After we had lunch and got the baby stuff I came home and took a nap! Mom and Dad were having fun with the kids and ended up keeping them all day! I made chili and just relaxed while Jeff watched football. It was a much needed break!

Thank you guys!!

Although...I am always happy to see my little monsters!!

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