Thursday, October 13, 2011

A good week!!

Nothing really exciting this week, except I am feeling so much better! The past two weeks have been great! I am eating (& the bump is growing) and having energy. So happy to feel better!! I also think the nesting it kicking in (or I just finally have the energy for my OCD to emerge). Either way I cleaned this week & rearranged our bedroom!! Lance helped...he LOVES to vaccum. I moved my curio cabinet tonight which required taking everything out. The kids LOVE when I do this. They don't get to go near it so it is a special treat for them. We talked about everything in there & where I got it. It is so neat to watch them look at it all.

Lilly needs new tennis shoes so I think her & I may take a day this weekend & go shopping. Then she has a bday party on Sunday. Other than that no big plans. Just gonna enjoy the weekend with my family again!!

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