Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cowboy & cowgirl

We went to the library this morning & then after some lunch we went to Bass Pro. They were having a Halloween event.  I got a free pic of the kids with the characters from It's a Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. They got to color some coloring pages & a trick-or-treat bag! We also got to see a fishing demonstration too & roast a marshmellow too!! Of course we had to go by the toys. Last time Jeff took Lance there he came back talking about this "cowboy" stuff. He told Lilly they had pink & they both immediately decided they wanted it for Christmas. What they actually want is the hat, a gun that has a holster & a lasso!! Santa's list is already getting long & it's only October!! I love that Lilly has her hand on her hat....they crack me up! We were there over an hour & Lilly cried when we left. I tell you they could stay in there ALL DAY! If you ever have a kid & don't know what to do with them just take them to Bass Pro...they will be in heaven!!!

We came home & started getting ready for me to leave. I am finishing up laundry & packing, but I think I have about got it. Lilly doesn't want me to go, but will be fine while I'm gone. She is just good at making me feel guilty. She said to me today, "Are you sure you want to work?" I explained that while it would be nice to be home all the time, I feel good when I get to do something besides be a mommy. I also explained that it hasn't really changed much about me being home. I take her to school pretty much everyday & pick her up most of the time. I also reminded her that I spent the entire morning at her school helping on Friday! Plus, we wouldn't be able to do all the stuff we do if I didn't work because I make money. She said, "Why do we have to have money?" Isn't that a question??

Not sure when I will post again...depends on how busy & tired I am while I am gone. Maybe I can get Jeff to do a "guest" post!! LOL!!

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