Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Back home again!

We all survived! I got back this afternoon & everyone was alive & well! My trip was good, but not very exciting. I got to meet a lot of people from the company, but mostly just sat & listened to boring stuff. However, I got lots of yummy food so I can't complain. I didn't take any pictures, but Charlottesville, Virginia is a pretty cute little area. I didn't have any time to go anywhere but the area by the hotel & the office. However, the hotel was attached to an outdoor mall which was neat. It was all local stores & very unique.

Tomorrow is a quiet day & then things get busy again. Friday Lilly has skate day at school(which I will prob go to), then our dr. appt is in the afternoon. There are several things going on Sat. that I would like to take the kids too (Halloween stuff). Then Sunday we are going to the Gulf State Fair! They open an hour early for Jeff's company & we get to ride everything for free!!!! They even had shirts made. Jeff has to work BUT might get to be off. Of course Monday is Halloween so the kids have parties at school, plus Trick-or-Treat! Whew...BUSY!! Should be lots of fun!

Enjoyed the break, but happy to be home with my family!!

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