Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Today I was having a conversation with Lance's teacher about him & how he looks at things. We talked for a few minutes and then she says, "Maybe he will be an engineer". I about passed out. Many of you may know that from a very early age we have said that Lance looks at things differently & has the mind of engineer (keep in mind that his Pappaw Wade is a civil engineer). Turns out his teacher is married to an engineer so she is aware of their traits etc...It was just a very interesting conversation and I was blown away that she already recognized that in him!!

Some of my favorite examples of how Lance thinks outside of the box.....
-he took all the toys out of his toy box, turned it upside down, pushed it over to his crib, climbed on top & jumped in crib!! (this was prior to us moving so he was somewhere around 2 years)

-when he couldn't reach something on his dresser he got a rubbermaid container & used it as a stool, he realized he still couldn't reach it so he moved it to the side of the dresser & then was able to get what he wanted (again, prior to moving so probably around age 2)

-as a toddler/early walker he would turn his push toy upside down & play with the wheels, he was more interested in how it worked then actually pushing it

-he continues to enjoy puzzles and does difficult ones very quickly

I am so intrigued with how he sees things and will be interested in how it plays out for him academically. As a mother it is natural for me to compare my children. I try very hard not to do this because they are SO different. They are both very smart, but in different ways. I always have to remind myself of that.

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