Monday, October 17, 2011

Catching up!!

This is how we find Lance a few nights ago when we went to check on him....

I have no idea how he ended up like this...don't worry...Jeff moved him after I took the pic!

We had a good weekend!! Lilly, Mom & I went shopping all day Sat. Lilly got new tennis shoes & a few other things!! I found a couple things & even picked up a few things for Lance. Poor Jeff got nuttin'! Then we went out to dinner. Sunday Lilly had a bday party so we chilled in the morning & then she & I headed to that while Jeff & Lance napped!  The party was pretty cool, it was at a painting place. Each girl got to paint a pic to take home.
This is Lilly's pic. Didn't she do so good?? We just got to find a spot to hang it now!

On the way home Lilly said she had a belly & headache. She had complained of a belly ache in the morning but seemed fine. Anyway, she ended up gagging while having a snack. She laid for a while then perked up. She continued to complain of a headache. I gave her tylenol & sent her to bed.

Fast forward to 4:30 am.....guess who woke up with a fever?? Yup, Lilly. it was about 101. The thing is that for the past week & a half I have said she hasn't been herself. I even had a conversation with my mom about calling the dr. because I just didn't think she was right. She has been super tired & moody.

Anyway, when she woke up about 7:30 (thanks to Lance) I asked if anything hurt. She said her throat (which she had mentioned a couple of days ago as well) So I take a look & sure enough it's red. I had to work today so Jeff took her to the dr. It is strep...again!!

Jeff mentioned that she just had it about 6 weeks ago. The dr. said if she gets it again within 4 months (3 times in 6 months) we will have to go see an ENT about possibly getting her tonsils out. I feel better knowing that she has been fighting something, but I don't understand why she is suddenly getting it so much. It is basically being passed around her class every week. One other girl has had it twice & a little boy just had his tonsils out. Regardless, we revisited hand washing, covering mouth & not putting your mouth on the water fountain (apparently she has done this...thanks for the tip Michelle). I also emailed her teacher & mentioned it. I feel like she has been carrying/fighting it for a while & her body finally gave in. Here is hoping we don't have to visit an ENT anytime soon!!
Where are Lilly & Lance??


Lilly took her meds, her fever seemed to be coming back. Although I didn't take it this evening. It was 102 at the dr. this afternoon. Anyway, she was ready for is hoping she gets a good nights sleep!!

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