Friday, September 2, 2011

Lilly's change of clothes

You may remember when Lilly got kool-aid spilled on her the 2nd day of school and didn't change. Well, mom and both reminded her and told her if something like that happened again to ask to change.

Fast forward to yesterday when I go to pick her up. As she is walking out I notice she isn't in the clothes I sent her in. When she gets in I asked what happened. To which she replies nothing why? I said your wearing your extra clothes. She said, "My water spilled and I was wet so I asked to change, Mammaw told me I could do that". I explained that was fine and I was happy she rememberd she could do that.

So we get home and I get her "wet" clothes out of her bag. She brought the entire bag of extra clothes home (including the clean underwear & socks). I look and see her shorts were in fact wet (probably not so much she couldn't have worn them, but no big deal) However, her shirt is perfectly dry. When I said, "Lilly your shirt is dry, you only need to change what's wet". She replied, "but mom.....they would have both been blue!" (She had worn a navy polo yesterday and her extra skirt was navy). I cracked up and said, "Good point". I mean what could I say....a girl has to look good!!

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