Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Well, Sunday night Lance started with a cough. He sounded terrible, but had no fever. He went to school Monday and was ok. Not 100%, but not too bad. However, Monday evening Jeff discovered he had a fever. I had felt him and thought he was ok, but I was wrong. He ended up running a fever all night and sounded even worse this morning. He and I laid in bed watching cartoons all day. I took him to the dr this afternoon and she said it didn't look like strep. If he continues to run a fever through Thurs she said to bring him back and we will check. I can't really do anything for except tylenol for the fever & I just feel bad. His little voice sounds terrible. He didn't play much at all today. He perked up a little this evening but not much. I hope he feels better soon!!

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