Sunday, September 18, 2011

Bass Pro

We had a good & productive weekend! I managed to do all the laundry, grocery shop, take the kids out last night & clean most of the house. That is more than I have done in a month, let alone two days!! I think I'm feeling better!! I still have to push myself, but it's not quite as hard.

Last night I bribed Lance to go to JCPenney by promising him we would go to Bass Pro. So after Penneys and dinner we headed to Bass Pro. We were in there for about an hour & they had a blast!! Got in boats, sat on 4-wheelers, got to shot play guns, looked at the fish & more!! Mom & Dad joined us for the evening & we all had a great time. It wore us all out, but it was FUN!!

The countdown is on for the bday girl!!! It's gonna be a fun week!!!

*I haven't been posting pics, because I have lost my camera card. I was hoping I would find it while cleaning such luck. I have no idea where it is.....

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