Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day weekend!!

It was a wet and windy weekend here!! We did nothing Friday evening or Sat just played and chilled. Sunday we did get out and get Lilly's bday decorations and made a stop by the bookstore. Then we headed to visit with Mom and Dad for a bit. Lilly started feeling bad and running a fever. It has been low and not constant, but her throat is pretty red and swollen. We decided we are keeping her home tomorrow to go see the dr. I just can't get her up and send her if I know she isn't 100%. I am afraid it is fingerscrossed it's not!

Lilly trying to master Bop It Extreme!!

A little Lite-Brite fun!!

Trying really hard.....getting a little frustrated....

Candyland...their new favorite. Although Lilly does not like to lose!! She wants the Ice Cream cone everytime!

This is what they did while I was on the phone with Jess. I knew they were up to trouble, but honestly they were playing good so I took my chances. Apparently they were going on a trip to Indiana and needed to take everything they own!! I can't get over the expression on Lance's face.....he seriously looks like he is about 16 and saying "whatever mom"

Hope you had a good holiday weekend!!

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