Monday, September 12, 2011

Good Monday!!

Today was a good day!! Lilly popped right up when I went in to wake her up and was in a good mood. I had to wake Lance but he was good. After getting both kids dropped off to school I headed to a Moms group meeting. This was my first time going & I really enjoyed it!! Lilly's soccer coach had told me about it in the spring but by the time I made contact they were finishing up for the school year & just started back up. Anyway, I knew a couple of the other moms & was able to meet a few more. One of them is the mom of one of the boys in Lance's class!! Hopefully, it will be an opportunity to meet some more people & friends for the kids.

After that I grabbed lunch (!!!! Then meet mom at Target to check out some of the options for Lilly's bday. Mom got her the Happy Birthday Barbie, which was one thing she had said she wanted. Other than that we are still deciding. She had mentioned a doll house, but that would mean one large gift & I am not sure it's something she REALLY wants.

My "me time" ended quickly and I had to go get the kids. First Lance then in line to wait for Lilly. Luckily Lance slept almost the entire wait so that was good. We came home and relaxed then went outside for a bit. They are loving the weather! The sun is still hot for me, but if I can stay in the shade I do ok.

We now have 3 of 5 girls confirmed for Lilly's bday party so I am happy! I was worried no one would be able to come! Plus, the dr. called and said my blood work all looked normal! I didn't have a chance to call back but she said everything was good and only to call if I had questions!

I was tired by the time I got home with the kids and got a headache but all in all felt pretty good!

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