Thursday, September 8, 2011

~13 weeks~

Today was our dr. appt. I am not quite 13 weeks, but we are calling it that. Everything looks good. The ultrasound was good, heartbeat was 145. I'm pretty sure he/she was sleeping. It never moved. Just sitting there with it's arm up and legs propped chilling. We opted for this ultrasound basically because we wanted an extra sneak peek!! They checked the fluid behind the neck and took blood. They look at those together and can tell if the baby is at risk for certain disorders. We won't know anything until next week. We got some pretty good pics from the ultrasound. I don't have a scanner right now so I took pics of them to post. They aren't great, but hopefully you can tell a little. (No we did not find out gender, that won't be until early Nov)

Head is on the left, arm is up, you can see the torso and little of the foot on the right

Head and arm....saying Hello!!!

This one didn't turn out, but it's actually a good one. The head and arm on the left. Then the spots on the right  is a leg and the foot is up.

Another head and hand shot

Far right, two little dots....little duck feet!!

I am starting to feel a little better, but not 100%. I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. The biggest problem is that I have no appetite. Nothing sounds good. When I can make myself eat I usually feel better, but it's hard when you have no desire. Hopefuly, in the next week or so I will be feeling much better!! We go back in 4 weeks for another checkup and then the next appointment in early Nov will be the fun one!!

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