Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lilly's 6th birthday!!

Lilly's 6th bday started by waking up at 12:30am and coughing till she choked and ended up getting sick. :( 
She went back to sleep and was up a couple more times coughing. When I went to wake her for school this morning I couldn't get her up and she felt warm. I took her temp (it was only 99/100) but when she finally woke up you could tell she was tired and didn't feel well. So we kept her home from school. She was upset, but mostly cause she was afraid she wasn't going to get to open her presents!! I assured her that it was her bday and she would still get presents!!

I got some Tylenol in her and her fever came right down. She chilled for awhile, but perked up once the fever dropped. We let her open one present from us and she played for awhile. Then her gift from Pappaw & Julie came and she got to open it!! Later, she opened Uncle Cam's present. We skyped with Grandma Trisha and she got to open her gift. Then finally after waiting fairly patiently most of the day we let her open the rest of our gifts.

Then we headed to dinner at a pizzeria in downtown that we had never been to. Mammaw & Pappaw joined us and gave her a few small things as well. All in all I think she still had a great day, just wasn't feeling 100%. I have all my fingers and toes crossed that she is well enough for school tomorrow. If she can sleep tonight she will probably be ok.

Real baby clothes for her baby dolls! (from Lance, per mommy)

Barbie clothes from Pappaw & Julie

Barbie with a bike!!! (Pappaw & Julie)

changing Barbies clothes

Her card from Uncle Cam was a pop up & she thought it was so cool!!

This is part of Uncle Cam's gift. She got clothes & new panties from  him!!

Gift card from Grandma Trisha!!!

Her special precious moments from Grandma. She already found the perfect spot on her "special" shelf for it!!

One of the shirts she picked out when we went shopping last weekend!!

My big surprise for her!! The dress I told her there was no way she was getting because it was too expensive. (everything ended up being on sale so I splurged).....

so, so, so GLAD I did!! She was SO happy!!

The "pink" stroller!!

Helping Daddy assemble the stroller!

Ta-da!! She was in heaven!! (new jammos from Pappaw & Julie she is wearing)

The dress!! Isn't is adorable! Fits perfect! I have no idea when/where she will ever wear it (maybe Christmas)??? Just so pretty!!

Her birthday cupcake!!!

 I captured this & had to post...she tried so hard all day to be happy. Bless her heart, she had a good day, but you can see in this moment she is tired and doesn't feel well.

So Lilly ended up eating a small portion of her cupcake. Lance on the other licked all the icing off of his and ate a little around the edges. His face was covered by the time he was done!! This picture captures his mischievous little smile!

We have more party and presents on Saturday!! I told her she got enough today we should just cancel the party! She didn't think so!!!

We also talked about the day she was born and looked at her baby scrapbook and baby pictures. It is so hard to believe that she is 6.

Happy Birthday to my first born! I love you Lillian Grace!!!

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