Friday, May 27, 2011

What a week!!

Well, The Hanavers headed back to Indiana this evening :( We had a blast!! I don't have many pics because Tiff did most of the picture taking. However, we got some great ones!! We spent some time on the beach & at the pool, went on a dolphin cruise & just had a great time spending time together. Here are a few that I did take.
Max when they arrived at our house !

Miss Molly

Lance & Molly playing

Lilly helping Grace swim

Nice goggles!


On the dolphin cruise....watching for dolphins.

Flying kites. They did great & had a blast!

I will post more pics when I get them from Tiff. We had a blast & I am so thankful they came. I know it was A LOT of work for them & I really appreciate it. Lilly didn't want them to leave & she cried when they left. It broke my heart. She had so much fun. Lance did too, but he doesn't understand the way she does. I can't wait for them to come back again!!

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