Monday, May 16, 2011

No More Paci??

Yes, my 3+  year-old son still has his paci. He has it WAY more than Lilly did at this point. She was strictlly nap, bed & sometimes in the car. We do that for the most part, but anyone who knows Lance knows that he can throw a fit wiht the best of them, so I admit....WE CAVE A LOT!! However, at his dentist appt. the dr. told me to get rid of it & we knew we needed to. With the move & Jeff's schedule we just haven't been brave enough (I can't do it by myself). So we have been telling him that once Daddy was off work this time we were going to get rid of it. He of course thought it was a good idea at first. Then it turned into a joke & he kept telling Jeff he was gonna hide it where we couldn't find it. Then bedtime came & it was, "I want my paci" at least 100 times. He was crying & screaming, "I can't do it. I really can't do it" So he finally came out of his room & had him sat with me in the chair. I told him to calm down & watch TV with me & then we would talk about it. He of course fell asleep. I move him after about 5 minutes & he woke up a little. I put him in his bed & patted him & he stayed asleep. So we will see what happens tonight.....I really didn't want to start another bad habit (rocking him) but we can't let him scream (in the apartment) & he could go on forever. SO for now we will take it one night at a time. Hopefully he will feel a little better about it tomorrow!!

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