Friday, May 20, 2011

Looking back....

So as we got ready for Lilly's last day of preschool this morning I thought about how this is the end of a big chapter of her little life. It's been a crazy few years for her (all of us) & I think she has done so well & has matured so much. However she has also grown physically.....take a look!!
This is August 2009....her VERY first day of preschool!! Look at her chubby cheeks!! Even her hair still looks like baby hair. I don't have one from the end of her first year.

August 2010, first day in Indiana. Look how much taller she is. Her arms are so much longer!!

Both in August 2010.....look at Lance's baby face & how short he is!!

This is November 2010, first day in Alabama!

Today....May 2011....I can't explain how BIG she looks to me in this picture. Not only in size but just look at her face....such a little lady. She does have on "high heels" here, but she has still grown a lot just since we moved. Her teacher gave me a card that said in December 2010 she was 45 1/2" & now she is 47 1/4"....that's almost 2 inches just since we got here!!!

Check out Lance's hair this morning!!! In August he had just had his first real hair cut & it was short. It's really long on top right now & he brushed it last night after bath so this is what it looked like this morning! Also, notice the difference in their shoulders from August till now. She may be growing fast, but he is growing faster I think. He has caught up quite a bit since then!

I know she is ready for kindergarten. She will do great. She is such a smart girl & so ready to learn to read. I also know she is ready emotionally & socially & that was my biggest concern going into this school year. We couldn't be PROUDER of the young lady she is growing to be & I know that she is going to continue to amaze us~


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