Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our kids are weird......

We went to dinner tonight at Ruby Tuesdays. The kids both ordered a meal, Lilly ordered chicken strips/fries & Lance ordered noodles w/marinara sauce. They both had a little salad & chips/dip before their meal. They both ate fairly well & stated that they were done. Lance asked for one of Lilly's french fries, then a piece of chicken. Then Lilly asked for some of Lance's noodles. I ended up switching their plates & they both ate another helping of food. Jeff cracked up & said, "our kids are weird". The funny part is that they ate like it was the first thing they had that night!! Then for snack this evening they ate their own meals again!! I can't complain because they really are good eaters, but we just got a kick that they traded meals & ate again even after they both had stated that they were done!!!

*I knew they were weird when Lilly started eating only peanut butter sandwiches & Lance only eats jelly. Don't they know it's PB&J??


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