Thursday, May 19, 2011

No more paci update 2

So Tuesday night was a little better. He woke up at 11:15 crying for it & I had to lay with him again. He calmed down quicker, but I couldn't get up so I ended up sleeping with him again.

Wednesday he cried when we tried to get him to nap so we again just went without. He did well again so I guess we have gotten rid of a formal nap, which is ok with  me.

Wednesday night he cried again, but calmed down much quicker. Jeff got him calmed down some, but he wanted me. I went in & sat on his floor. He calmed down but just kept saying he wanted his paci. It's the saddest thing ever. He basically talked/whined himself to sleep saying "I want my paci Mommy". It went much quicker though so that was good.

The big news is HE SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!! I didn't see his darling little face until 7:30 this morning!!!! So that is major progress. Maybe we are over the hump.

The funny thing about this whole thing is that he hasn't asked for it once during the day. This is the kid that anytime he would get upset or in trouble he would ask for it. He would sneak it all the time (or try to). So we have been shocked that he hasn't whined for it during the day. I am happy about this just a little surprised.

Just a sidenote.....the Hanaver/Carver clan will be in 2 days & we are all so excited we can hardly stand it!!!!!

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