Friday, May 13, 2011

It's 9:30.....guess where my kids are???

Right next to me in bed. Now this isn't a huge deal for a Friday night to be up late.....except Lilly has her graduation tomorrow which means we can't just sleep in & chill. We have to get up & get going. Lance was up last nigth with a tummy ache so he took a long nap today. About 2:30 I said something about waking him up. Jeff says to let him sleep.....I said....if you weren't working tonight you would feel different. If he takes a late nap he ALWAYS has trouble going to bed. He is in that terrible not ready to get rid of a nap, but don't always need a nap stage....we've tried to cut it out but he is SUCH A HANDFUL without it. I have no idea why she is up....maybe because he laid in his bed for an hour & hollered repeatedly???'s to a long night & an even longer tomorrow.....

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