Tuesday, May 17, 2011

No more paci update

Well......last night was ROUGH. He slept till about 2:15 & when he woke up he was freaking out. He cried & cried, for about 30-45 minutes. Again with the, "I want my paci" "I can't do it, it's too hard". I finally got him calmed down & then he was just awake. I laid with him & just as he was about asleep.....Lilly wakes up. She had to potty & then she started crying wanting me. I got her calmed down & headed back to him. He fought it some, but did good just laying & trying to sleep. He eventually fell asleep & so did I. The last time I heard the time on  his radio it was about 3:30 & he wasn't asleep yet. So I figure it was about 3:45 or so before he was asleep.

However, when he woke up (I was there in bed with him because I fell asleep too) the first thing he said was, "I DID IT" (both arms up in the air). He was SO PROUD. We ran in to tell Jeff & as we laid there he said, "You were right, I could do it". He started telling Jeff he wanted "Iron". When he was crying in the night we talked about what kind of prize he would want for a reward. He said he wanted some Iron Man stuff. He has never seen it, but always goes to it when we go to a store. He also decided he wanted some Spider Man stuff!! (He ended up getting an Agent Oso car after looking for A LONG TIME).

Regardless, I thought maybe he would do better since he was so proud. So nap time comes.....nope. He cried & cried....so we just decided no nap today. No big deal as I am wanting to get rid of it anyway. He did well & honestly wasn't too cranky. However, he was exhausted by bedtime. He started off asking for it right away. I had him sit down with me in the chair & I could tell he was starting to doze so I asked him if he was ready to go lay down. He asked for it again & started to whine a lot, but not too bad.  He wanted me to lay with him so I told him I would stay with him for a bit. I patted him for a couple minutes & he was OUT.

Here's hoping tonight goes better than last!!

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